We found Idealog through our friends at ImageNation, who had a tremendous article published about them in this enjoyably crafted magazine.(Of course we had to get a copy of that issue in print, as it's always nice to see one's own work "out there". We're enormously proud of our association with the eponymous Brothers in Art so felt a wee thrill of excitement to see what we've helped to produce get the recognition it deserves.)
In an effort to grow our profile in the arts community, we decided a listing would be useful - and here it is in all it's functionally informative glory.
We received an enquiry in the first week, so that's not bad. If nothing else, we're subscribed to the weekly Idealog mail out, which is always enjoyable. The writing is fresh, intelligent and humorous. Just like us! Probably why we like it so much.
If you're a designer, photographer, artist or creative person (or just plain interested) you'll enjoy the read. Check it out. But not before considering buying a print of your work!
We print photos and art on canvas: www.gicleeprint.co.nz
Welcome to the Giclee Print Limited blog / news page
Friday, February 15, 2008
Great Idea: Idealog; Great Art: Imagenation
Labels: Artist, canvas prints, Idealog, ImageNation