We have recently answered a series of questions from a potential client asking about our Fine Art paper printing services, and the costs for these. These questions started with very general pricing enquiries, and ended up ultimately with the followinmg question, which I hadn't been asked before:
"Now before sending you some photos I would like to ask one more thing: to hang a photo on a wall what is a suitable size? A3? A4?"
This was our reply:
"I guess it depends on the nature of the image itself (is it something best appreciated at close inspection for small details?); related to this is the viewing distance (i.e. - how far away from the image will you be standing, usually, when observing it?). Also consider the size of the wall (too small a print will look silly, too big a print could dominate the room and look cumbersome). The size of your mat and frame will play a part in the appearance, and finally of course cost is always a consideration.
In my office and in our home I have a number of canvas and paper prints of varying sizes. Right in front of me is a HUGE seascape of a rolling surf wave - this is something like 60 x 38 inches! It's wonderful, and I can stare at it for hours - even sitting right in front of it (it fills my field of view). Slightly further away on the wall to my left are some small 8x12 snaps of family members - I can see them clearly enough, but I'd probably go over and look closely to enjoy them better. Adjacent to these are some really great family photos at 24x16 (about A2) or 24 x18 . This is one of our most popular and versatile print sizes. It's four times the size of an A4, and less then twice the price - so represents extremley good value.
You don't need to be restricted to these sizes, of course - you can always crop the image to a shape that is perhaps more square, or wider and more panoramic.
If the choice *must* be between A4 and A3 I'd go A3 as a good general purpose print size. BUT - if you order an A4, I'll have to charge you for an A3 anyway as the smallest paper we have available is 17" wide - i.e. you can have 2 x A4 prints OR 1 x A3 print on the same physical page, for $28 plus GST on fine art paper. (Remember there is normally a $50 minimum - so you could have 1 x A2 print, OR 2 x A3 prints, OR 4 x A4 prints, OR 1 x A3 AND 2 x A4 prints on the page, all for $56 (excl.)"
As an after-thought, it bears mentioning that the ISO A4 etc. sizes do not necessarily relate all that well to photographs, which are typically of either a 4:3 or 3:2 ratio. There's always some compromise!
For readers outside of NZ, please note all prices are in NZD (New Zealand Dollars) and for overseas orders there is no GST (sales tax) component to add. Overseas postage can be very inexpensively arranged for flat-packed or rolled prints.
We hope this answer is of help to anyone thinking about the best way to present their work.
Follow us on Twitter: @gicleeprint
Fine Art Printing and Photos on Canvas: www.gicleeprint.co.nz
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