Welcome to a great new concept in making photography fun, and something that all enthusiasts can enjoy. Our client ImageMe has launched an exciting new activity - the Photo Frenzy and opened the studio for anyone interested in trying new things to come and have a go in a themed monthly photography activity.
You can see all the details on the Photo Frenzy website, but here's an example of the first theme you can try your hand at - Drawing with Light!
Next Photo Frenzy: December 6th, 10am - 1pm.
84a Hurstmere Road Takapuna (upstairs)
PHOTO FRENZIES are held on the first Sunday of every month (January is the exception, with the Frenzy being held on the 17th).
The Frenzy is free and open to everyone. Donations will be collected for The Fred Hollows Foundation NZ - helping to restore vision to people in the Pacific region.

The first theme, Drawing with Light, gives you the chance to get creative!
The images will be posted online so participants can purchase prints.
The best images will be made into a large artwork and exhibited on the mezzanine floor of the Takapuna Library.
See you at the next Frenzy!
All images copyright Lisa Crandall 2009.
Fine Art Printing and Photos on Canvas
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